Monday 1/7/2019
About us
The first Weights and Measures Law in Iran was adopted in 1925 in 11 articles and two annexes. According to this law, the metric system was announced as the official measuring system in the country. This Law was amended in 1932 in the Parliament. In 1975, Islamic Republic of Iran joined Meter Convention and parliament adopted Iran’s membership to BIPM and OIML. Due to the pressing necessity, establishing an official organization seemed to be an inevitable concern, which eventually paved the way for the organizational nucleus of the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran in 1952. Later the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran was established in 1960 and ISIRI was recognized as national body for the field of measuring. Metrology, Weights and Measures Center was established in 1975 with the technical assistances of UNIDO, UNDP and UNESCO.
In 2015, Metrology Center of ISIRI prompted to develop the National Metrology Development Strategy program using the latest scientific, academic, research and industrial capabilities.
In 2017, National Metrology Centre of Iran was member of the Regional Metrology Organization in Asia APMP.
ISIRI law was amended in 2018 in the IR IRAN Parliament
Controlling samples of imported goods
- NMCI History
1925- The first Weights and Measures Law was approved by the parliament
1932-Bureau of Weights and Measures was established in the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade and General Benefit
1953- Institute of Standards was funded as a Laboratory Office to control exports quality
1960-Approval of the establishment of Institute of Standards &Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI)
1975- Metrology Center established as the subdivision of ISIRI
1975-Signing Meter Convention & joining BIPM
1975-Membership in OIML
1992-ISIRI Law was revised by the Parliament
2011- IS2018- New Law for Iran National StandIRI national position was upgraded to the direct supervision of I.R. President
2016- Signing the CIPM-MRA
2017- membership in APMP
- 2018-New Law for iran international Standard Organization
NMCI Duties
With regard to the implementation of ISIRI’s duty for “developing SI systems as the official system of Weights and Measures in Iran and Calibration of measurement tools”, the duties of Metrology Center are as follows:
NMCI Duties as National Metrology Institute (NMI)
- Developing SI systems as the official system of measuring in the country
- General policy making in scientific and industrial metrology area
- Measurement traceability of all measurements in the country
- Establishment, maintenance and updating National Reference Labs
- Calibration of reference measuring equipment of the accredited labs in field of calibration
- Developing National standards of measuring and participation in the development of International Standards
- Conducting research in field of Measurement
NMCI Duties as National Legal Metrology Institute (NLMI)
- General policy making in Legal metrology area
- Surveillance on all measurements in the country
- Commenting and voting on OIML International Standards drafts
- Seal marking of all weighing instruments in the country
- Managing annual verification of all scales, weighbridges, gas stations in the country.
NMCI Activities
The most significant activities in legal, scientific and industrial metrology are as follows:
- Preparing the Strategic program for the development of metrology in Iran in the period of next 10 years
- Development some National Standards relating to metrology
- Controlling and surveillance activity during last 3 years:
- surveillance the quality of fuel nozzles (Petrol & Gas oil stations)
- surveillance the quality of precious metals (Gold)
- surveillance the quality of measuring instruments of business associations
- Surveillance on the activities of accredited labs for conformity assessment of scales and weighbridges in the country
- Preparing the required infrastructure for initiation of nano- metrology in I.R. Iran
- Planning for the development of legal metrology in medical, packaging products, etc
- Promoting the knowledge of calibration labs experts, accredited through training
- Setting up the web based portal for keeping continuous controlling and monitoring of road weighbridges throughout the country
- Organizing and leadership of OIML National Mirror Committees in association of academia professors, research and development centers of Iran
- Verification of liquid fuel nozzles,
- Verification of non-automatics weighing instruments (except for weighbridges)
- Verification of weighbridges
- Meter Bars
- Controlling and Monitoring the verification processes by Web-Base Software
- Hallmarking of precious metals (Gold)
- Seal marking of weighing instruments
- Trainings relating metrology,
- Publishing monthly metrology magazines,
- Testing samples of non-automatics weighing instruments manufactured in I.R.Iran
- Controlling samples of imported goods
International & Regional Collaborations
NMCI is collaborating with below organizations:
BIPM (Bureau International des Poi ds et Mesures)
OIML (International Organization of legal Metrology
APMP(Asian Pacific Metrology Program)
SMIIC (The Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries)
Other NMI’s
Participation in International Committees/Councils:
NMCI participates in various committees, including standardization committees:
- ISO/REMCO reference materials
- Metrology Council of SMIIC